
Forge of empires forum queen statue
Forge of empires forum queen statue

forge of empires forum queen statue

Just like all other buildings in this game, eventually you will have the max that you’re willing to plant in your city, and/or something better will come along and you’ll be replacing them. This is an exciting new building, for now. It may seem like that’s really cheap of Inno to do, but eventually there will come a day where you don’t want anymore either, so keep that in mind. While other league rewards ( diamonds, troops, goods, FPs) change based on the league you’re in, you will only ever earn one fragment of the SOH selection kit at any given time. Most of the time though they come in waves, so you’ll get five in a row and then a dry spell for the next ten actions for example. Based on personal experience of a few players, it seems to be a 1-in-3 chance, or 33%, to earn a prize on average, and then it’s maybe 33% of the time that you win a prize you will get a fragment. Fragments are a potential reward for a successful action on a sector in GBG, regardless of if you negotiate or fight. The more active you are, the faster you will get this building because the only way to build it is to earn the fragments. To get a Statue of Honor you have to participate in GBG, or your guild does. At a 3×4, this little building is well worth earning the fragments for to take it from Level 1 all the way to Level 5. As an added bonus it does not need to be aided, and it cannot be plundered! This building will produce a varying amount of guild power based on era, plus goods for the treasury, forge points, and coins (amount also based on era) for a daily collection. This is the first building of its kind because it directly benefits both the guild and the player, without being a Great Building. With the introduction of Battlegrounds came a whole new upgradeable building for our cities, the Statue of Honor.

Forge of empires forum queen statue